Reserve your bed for sleep and sex only. No Netflix, eating, doom scrolling, or working!
Hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle can cause a person to experience sleep issues, such as insomnia. Insomnia is a sleep disorder that can make it difficult for a person to fall asleep ...
Chronic insomnia can be primary or secondary. Primary chronic insomnia, which is also called idiopathic insomnia, doesn’t have an obvious cause or underlying medical condition — it develops on ...
Insomnia occurs when you’re unable ... including how long you’ve had symptoms and how they affect you This can help determine the underlying causes of your sleep problems.
Berberine has recently taken the spotlight in natural health circles and is celebrated for its impressive impact on weight ...
If you’re struggling with insomnia, you are definitely ... He or she will be able to pin down the causes and offer suggestions on what you can do to get a good night rest ...
Together, depression and insomnia create a vicious cycle, as both conditions further worsen symptoms for each other. While depression can cause trouble sleeping, that lack of sleep can exacerbate ...
For example, depression can cause insomnia, and both conditions can exacerbate symptoms of the other, leading to a vicious cycle. Anxiety can also cause insomnia. In fact, trouble sleeping is one ...
There are various types of insomnia, typically known by duration, cause, or severity. Each type has unique characteristics that can influence treatment. Broadly, insomnia can be acute or chronic.
On the OTC side, decongestants can trigger insomnia due to the stimulants they contain that help un-stuff your nose (namely: phenylephrine, pseudoephedrine). When it comes to prescriptions ...
Chronic inflammation is a root cause of many health issues; managing it can significantly improve overall wellness. At $39 per bottle, Clinical Effects Berberine HCL is an affordable health ...