THE founder of a big cat group in Worcestershire says DNA evidence provides more proof to support sightings in the county and refutes any suggestion samples are being 'planted'.
To tap this growing sector, the third Global Digital Trade Expo opened in Hangzhou on Wednesday, with global medical giants ...
An extinct plant has been grown from a 1000-year-old seed of a previously unknown species of commiphora that was found in an ...
An expert answered CURE® readers’ questions on several aspects of a prostate cancer journey, including treatment options and ...
Explore the groundbreaking field of molecular de-extinction and its potential in tackling antibiotic resistance with César de ...
Bronze Age desert dwellers unearthed from graves in what’s now northwest China were buried with cheese scattered on their ...
In a discovery that sheds light on the complex mechanisms of gene regulation, scientists at EPFL have uncovered a critical ...
New research has revealed that the mysterious white substance found alongside three ancient mummies was once a soft cheese ...
Results from a new University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center study show that molecular tumor boards can play an important ...
In a discovery that’s sure to delight both history buffs and cheese fans, scientists believe they have unearthed the world’s oldest cheese alongside mummies in Northwestern China. At a staggering ...
Plants and other organisms evolve naturally over time. When random changes to their DNA, called mutations, enhance survival, ...
By Hugo Francisco de Souza Researchers discover a startling diversity of viruses in Japanese bats, with over 60% infected, ...