A website named GPU Purses is currently selling a luxury product named the GT730 purse with fan, for $1,024 (h/t VideoCardz).
【ITBEAR】9月9日消息,近日,一款名为GPU Purse的奢侈品包包在网络上引起了热烈讨论。这款包包并非传统意义上的奢侈品,而是由入门级显卡GT 730巧妙改造而成,融合了技术与时尚。 GPU ...
2024年9月9日,科技圈内流传出一则引人注目的消息——一款入门级显卡GT 730被改造成奢侈品包包,价格竟然高达1024美元,折合人民币近7300元。这样的现象不仅引发了消费者的广泛关注,更激起了人们对科技与艺术边界的深思。
Belonging to Putin's pal, it makes Bezos' boat look paltry. Lurssen’s $500 million Nord, owned by Alexei Mordashov, gained ...
As far as car names go, it’s as good as it gets: aggressive yet refined, rolls off the tongue — and in the case of Aston ...
SSJ4 Gogeta vs. Cabba, also known as SSJ4 Gogeta vs. Base Cabba, refers to a viral debate among Dragon Ball fans about who ...
While everyone is talking about rate cuts, some analysts are questioning whether it was necessary even to start cutting rates ...
Do you think the Lamborghini Temerario needs a few visual adjustments to look better? You're not alone, as this pixel master ...
An indie city builder set in Medieval times and focused on micromanagement. Settlements Rising features simple graphics, but ...
荣耀90GT5G手机,目前在京东售价2199元。用户下单领取满1000减40元优惠券,再享受plus专享立减,实际支付价格低至2,148.01元。这款手机共有三种颜色可选,黑色、金色和GT蓝(为素皮版本),背部采用了赛道双纹设计, ...
汽车市场的 " 金九银十 " 拉开帷幕,众多新车扎堆上市,9月19日和20日两天时间,便会有7款热门新车上市,不可谓不密集。这些新车都有何亮点,又谁能脱颖而出?让我们来快速了解一下。
据财联社记者多方采访梳理获悉,当前国内大模型厂商算力成本至少七成仍用于训练端,而未来推理将成“大模型下半场”。海内外众多厂商均已盯上推理算力的蛋糕,芯片巨头英特尔服务器CPU至强(Xeon)系列重量级新品亦瞄准推理市场需求,直接带动多家服务器厂商新品 ...