不过这一次的消息,可能比较可靠,因为由于法规的限制,GT-R哪怕不推出换代车型,目前的R35也肯定要在今年年底(2024年)停产了,日本当地的 ...
大家还记得之前改哥跟大家分享过的,国外奇葩改装案例吗,,没想到这种风格原来国内也有人喜欢,而且还是一台日产 GT-R ...
In 2017 Nissan gave the R35 GT-R its biggest update since it was launched ... GT-R Nismo made their way onto the standard car – the rear spats, for example, helped to clean up the turbulence ...
日产GT-R R35作为一款载入史册的传奇跑车,它以无与伦比的性能和独特魅力,成为了无数车迷心中的“东瀛战神”。然而,随着全球汽车行业的转型 ...
The standard GT-R was definitely more of a GT after its 2017 ... it doesn’t feel like you will unsettle the rear with turn-in alone. It still demolished a B-road in alarming fashion, leaning ...
Another interesting tidbit is how horses inspired the rear-wheel drive system ... the ground up as a high-performance GT-R. Debuting for MY2009, the R35 is showing its age and has only recently ...
Six years in the making and with the design locked in during 2004, the GT-R was nevertheless a global project, overseen by Mr Nakamura but with input from Nissan’s US (mainly the rear quarter view) ...
After four decades of making world-conquering race cars and souped-up street cars, Nismo has quite a back catalogue.
Six years in the making and with the design locked in during 2004, the GT-R was nevertheless a global project, overseen by Mr Nakamura but with input from Nissan’s US (mainly the rear quarter view) ...
固态电池有望首次出现在日产 Hyper Force 概念车的量产版中,该车将是日产 GT-R 的电动继任者。Espinosa 暗示,紧凑的 Hyper Force 旗舰车型将是引入该技术的理想选择。他还补充说,固态电池技术也可以应用于小型汽车,如轻型汽车(Kei-Car),或用在大型 SUV 车型上 ...
IT之家 8 月 24 日消息,比亚迪今日公布海豹 06 GT 三张官图,展示了其前脸、侧面以及尾部设计,号称“年轻人的第一台 GT”,新车将于 8 月 30 日 ...
IT之家 8 月 20 日消息,今日晚间,腾势 Z9 GT 正式宣布开启预售,首发搭载易三方智电技术,兼顾高性能与灵活性。 腾势 Z9 GT 共提供三厢 / 两厢、5 ...