Intel与AWS共同发新闻稿,Intel除以Intel 18A代工AWS AI fabric芯片外,还为AWS定制化服务器处理器。它们扩大合作,这将对美国半导体制造和芯片代工竞争格局产生影响。
That's because of an x86/x86-64 cross-licensing agreement reached by Intel and AMD back in 2009. That agreement is subject to ...
But CEO Sam Altman seems to be cementing his control. And Chief Financial Officer Sarah Friar said in a memo that OpenAI’s ...
Cao, Y. , Liu, F. , Wang, X. , Wang, W. and Peng, Z. (2024) The Fusion of Temporal Sequence with Scene Priori Information in ...
处理器大厂英特尔谢入运营危机,宣布放弃“四年五节点”计划的Intel20A制程后,重心转至Intel18A制程。日前俄勒冈州波特兰市Enterprise Tech Tour活动,首席执行官Pat Gelsinger首次向大众展示Intel ...
We recently compiled a list of the 10 Best Most Active Stocks To Invest In Now. In this article, we are going to take a look ...
打破算力能耗瓶颈,全新Neptune液冷技术将亮相联想创新科技大会,创新科技,人工智能,联想,液冷,能耗 ...
英特尔市场营销集团副总裁、中国区云与行业解决方案和数据中心销售部总经理梁雅莉指出,“为拥抱以AI为代表的新质生产力,英特尔携手百度为云数据中心构建现代化基础设施、持续优化软件,并在绿色可持续发展等领域深耕。以多年合作为基础,未来双方将继续通过不断的技 ...
2024年9月25日,英特尔在2024年国际信息通信展(以下简称PT展)上举办“英特尔‘智通未来’AI通讯与网络转型研讨会”。此次活动邀请了中国移动与中国电信两大运营商合作伙伴,深度探讨了英特尔网络与边缘AI技术如何 驱动 ...
I'm bullish on Intel's long-term goals despite recent setbacks, and recommend buying the stock for potential value unlock ...
Departing Intel channel stalwart Jason Kimrey revealed that he has accepted an “early retirement opportunity” and said his ...