珊瑚海滩(Coral Beach)是弗雷泽岛 最受欢迎的 海滩(Beach)之一,以其细腻的白沙(Fine White Sand)和清澈的海水(Clear Waters)著称。这里是浮潜(Snorkeling)和游泳(Swimming)的理想场所,游客可以欣赏到丰富的海洋生物(Rich Marine Life)和五彩斑斓的珊瑚(Colorful Corals) 。
In a country known for its dramatic landscapes, quirky wildlife and ravishing coastal cities it’s easy to overlook the ...
There's no need to look at international travel destinations when you can find Australian islands like these so close to home.
位于昆士兰州, 布里斯班以北。地图上, 它从 Inskip Point 一直延伸到 Burrum Heads, 包含“世界最大的沙岛” 卡丽岛(K'gari)和座头鲸们的“度假地”荷维湾(Hervey Bay)水域, 并与 7,000 ...