(a) Tumor cells are uniform with round to oval nuclei and inconspicuous nucleoli, arranged in a nested/organoid pattern. Other growth patterns include pseudoglandular, trabecular, and follicular with ...
Superficial urothelial (umbrella) cells have one or multiple nuclei with finely granular chromatin and conspicuous nucleoli, abundant cytoplasm, and low N/C ratios (a and b). For bladder washing ...
Background: A 59-year-old man on exogenous androgen therapypresented with a clinically palpable prostate nodule confined to onelobe on endorectal examination. Serum prostate-specific antigen was3 ...
A long-standing question has been to understand which of the many ribosomal RNA clusters are expressed and how they are regulated. Here the authors characterize a new, noncoding RNA SNUL-1 and propose ...
An evaluation and familiarity with the various nuclear constituents evident in a well-prepared cellular specimen including nuclear envelope (membrane), chromatin, parachromatin distribution and ...