2024年9月15日,科技界再起波澜。Intel正式发布了其全新至强6R1S处理器,具备80个核心和136条PCIe 5.0通道,此举无疑是在向AMD的EPYC 8004系列发起强有力的挑战。这一新闻不仅吸引了众多科技爱好者的目光,更为行业注入了活力 ...
9月6日,联想在全球同步发布了新款ThinkPad X1 Carbon Aura Edition,这款笔记本不仅保持了ThinkPad系列一贯的高端定位,更在超轻便携、强大性能和出色显示效果等方面走出新路。作为联想首款搭载英特尔酷睿Ultra 200V系列处理器的型号,新的X1 Carbon在让用户享受无缝办公体验的同时,也引领了2024年移动办公的最新潮流。
9月30日,暴力熊推出了一款名为WireViewProGPU的新显卡功耗监测器。这款监测器采用铝制外壳,并配备OLED显示屏。用户只需将12+4Pin接口连接到显卡电源接口上,然后在监测器的12+4Pin母口接入供电线材即可实现精确监控 ...
pcie 6.0标准规范于2022年初正式发布,至今尚未商用落地,而新一代pcie 7.0已经徐徐走来,首次引入光学通信连接。 pcie 6.0被认为是pcie问世近20年以来 ...
Unlike its PCI predecessor, which used a shared bus, PCI Express is a switched architecture of up to 32 independent, serial lanes (x1-x32) that transfer in parallel. Each lane is full duplex (see ...
"模块化"这一概念,相信对大家而言并不陌生。 早些年,某些个别手机品牌勇于突破,将手机设计为可拆卸手柄、自由组装摄像头与组合的多形态,当时引领了一场创新的风潮,不过嘛,一直以来不温不火,这也不难怪,毕竟手机的性能与系统局限原因,还是无法将性能做到完全释放。那么,如果换成Win系统?是不是就有点意思了呢,国内知名“壹号本OneXPlaye”就推出了这么一款三合一PC:壹号游侠X1,完美融合了三者优势 ...
PCIe x4 and x8 cards can draw up to 25W from the motherboard's slot, while x1 cards are limited to 10W unless configured as a 'full-height' or 'high-power card' to pull the aforementioned 25W.
Depending on the number of bidirectional lanes that connect to them, PCIe slots come in different physical configurations: x1, x4, x8, x16, x32. The first generation of NVMe drives could fit into ...
Most computers and storage drives still use the common SATA or PCIe 3.0 interfaces to sling your bits of data around, but if you’re lucky enough to own a relatively modern PC, you might be able ...
Dual-screen laptops have been available for a while, and the Acemagic X1 is a standout recent addition. This model introduces a distinctive twist on dual-screen functionality. Instead of the usual ...
As I write this article on the AceMagic X1, two things stand out most. The first is its convenience—being able to write on one screen and view specs and information about the laptop and a chat ...
这款显卡采用了7nm工艺制造,拥有3584个MUSA核心和1.6GHz的频率。它还配备了GDDR6 7GB的显存,并支持PCIe 4.0 x16接口。 除了高性能的硬件配置外,S70还具备出色的散热能力。它采用了三风扇散热系统,并且外观设计简洁大气。整体尺寸为285x112x49mm,重量约1.5kg。