《战神:诸神黄昏》和《最终幻想 16》均将在本周发售 Steam 版本!本周还有多款亮眼作品值得关注,一起来看看吧! 注:本系列文章的信息主要整合自 Steam 与 SteamDB 的即将发售列表,由于 Steam 支持手动输入日期及发售、同步不及时等原因,本列表可能会遗漏收录一些作品的发售信息。如果本周有您的作品或您喜欢的作品未被列出,欢迎直接评论补充链接~~ 关键字:生物收集、角色扮演、剧情丰 ...
"Look! A real plane here!" Chongqing Hailian Vocational Technical College’s Liangjiang Campus welcomed its first wave of new ...
(吉隆坡11日讯)Negroni Week 2024将迎来第12届活动,于9月16日至22日隆重回归,同样以Campari为核心,本届活动以“电影”为主题,为全球慈善合作伙伴Slow ...
A booth has been set up at the venue of the 47th WorldSkills Competition in France for visitors to gain a better understanding of Shanghai, the host city for the 48th edition of the event in 2026 and ...
十万学生十万兵,中国军训看广西 ...
China's investment cooperation with Africa has been progressing steadily and healthily. Its annual direct investment in Africa's manufacturing industry totals more than $400 million, and the number ...
The 2024 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Summit is currently underway in Beijing from September 4th to 6th, under the theme "Joining Hands to Advance Modernization and Build a High-Level Chi ...
From September 4th to 6th, the 2024 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Summit is being held in Beijing under the theme "Joining Hands to Advance Modernization and Build a High-Level ...
Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a keynote speech titled "Joining Hands to Advance Modernization and Build a Community ...
Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a keynote speech titled "Joining Hands to Advance Modernization and Build a Community with a Shared Future" while attending the opening ceremony of the 2024 ...
快科技8月20日消息,日前,鸿蒙智行在上海举办享界S9首批车主交车仪式,华为常务董事、终端BG董事长、智能汽车解决方案BU董事长余承东出席并 ...