Addis Abeba – The Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), led by Debretsion Gebremichael (PhD), has issued a statement rejecting the Tigray interim administration’s authority to command the Tigray ...
Finfinnee, Fulbaana 23/2024 – Dooniin fe’umsa waraanaa Masrii kaleessa Fulbaana 22, 2024 meeshaalee waraanaa gurguddoo fi misaa’elii farra xiyyaara waraanaa fe’e buufata doonii Moqaadishootti ...
Addis Abeba – In early 2024, a major geopolitical event unfolded in the Horn of Africa with far-reaching consequences. Ethiopia and Somaliland signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 01 January ...
Addis Abeba – An Egyptian military cargo ship arrived in Mogadishu yesterday, delivering what media reports describe as “the largest shipment of military aid” to Somalia since the United Nations ...
Addis Abeba – Ambassador Taye Atske-Selassie, Ethiopia’s Foreign Minister, has expressed concern over the recent arms shipments to Somalia, stating that they could “further exacerbate the fragile ...
Getachew Reda, the President of the Tigray Interim Administration (Photo: Tigray TV) Addis Abeba – The interim administration of the Tigray region, led by Getachew Reda, has announced that the ...
The Amhara Education Bureau reported that only two million students have been registered for the current academic year, despite an anticipated enrollment of seven million students (Photo: Amhara ...
Addis Abeba – The Academy of Ethiopian Languages and Cultures at Addis Ababa University (AAU) has announced the development of a language description atlas aimed at mapping the interactions and ...
Finfinnee, Fulbaana 25, 2024 – Ministeera Daldalaa fi Walitti Hidhamiinsa Naannawaa #Itoophiyaa sadarkaa biyyaalessaatti madaallii gabaa Dilbataa qaala’iinsa gatii to’achuuf oola jedhe ifoomseera.
Finfinnee, Fulbaana 24/2024 – Haala nageenya Somaaliyaa tasgabbaa’aa hin taane keessatti meeshaaleen waraanaa humnoota alaatiin dhiyaatan harka shororkeessitootaati kufuu akka malu Ministirri Dhimma ...
Finfinnee, Fulbaana 13/2024 – Addi Bilisummaa Biyyaalessaa Ogaaden (ONLF) ibsa baaseen haasawaa Ajajaan Waliigalaa Rayyaa Ittisa Biyyaa Fiild Maarshaal Birhaanuu… ...