The new trade counsellor at the French embassy in Tripoli, Jean-Louis Fontenille, won't suffer cultural shock in the byzantime atmosphere in Tripoli. He has just spent four years in Damascus and had ...
On 9 September, Bugesera Airport Co (BAC), which is owned by state-owned Qatar Airways and by the Rwandan government, officially awarded the contract for the new Bugesera airport, located 50km south ...
The Cameroonian head of state has instructed his presidential guard to look into a vast fraud case, in which the names of high ranking military officers and members of the presidential security ...
A lavish birthday party thrown for Boko's daughter in the United States last month ruffled feathers among Talon's entourage, which in recent weeks has started looking into the finances of the ...
TEMASOL, a joint venture between Total Maroc and Electricite de France, has won a contract to supply electricity to 37,000 rural households in Morocco. The EUR21.2 million project is being financed by ...
After waiting since last July, the Algerian government has finally named Amine Kherbi rather than Mohamed Salah Dembri as Algeria's ambassador to Washington. The Bush administration reportedly ...
A 56-year-old civil servant holding a degree in economic sciences and serving as wali (prefect) of Djelfa up to now, Addou Mohamed Kebir, has been named head of the wilaya of Algiers. Related by ...
With no consensus among its members, it is the head of state Joaquim Chissano who has named Jamisse Taimo chairman of Comissao Nacional de Eleiçoes charged with organizing the general election in ...
A member of deputy prime minister Paul Berenger's Mouvement Militant Mauricien (MMM) party is being tipped as chairman of Sicom, the state-owned insurance company. Ho Chan Fong will take over the post ...
Before it resumes operations at its mine in Haut-Katanga at some point later this year Kipushi Corp (Kico) still has to build a new road to evacuate its zinc production. This will link its Kico plants ...