Emnet gir en grunnleggende gjennomgang av norrøn grammatikk (fonologi, morfologi, syntaks). Til støtte for grammatikkstudiet leses noen sider norrøn tekst. Emnet gir også en oversikt over ...
Studenter som dokumenterer gyldig fravær fra ordinær eksamen, kan ta utsatt eksamen i starten av neste semester. Det tilbys ikke ny eksamen til studenter som har trukket seg under ordinær eksamen, ...
I den nye versjonen av GPT UiO kan du dele instruksjoner, og du har mulighet til bruke den nye språkmodellen GPT-4o.
2 timer forelesninger, 2 timer seminargrupper og 2 timer lab-grupper. Det er sterkt anbefalt å møte på første forelesningen fordi det vil bli gitt viktig information. Det kreves innlevering av ...
Statistical analysis is becoming more and more complex, both because of bigger data and many types of data and because of the use of more advanced methods and models. This course deals with numerical ...
The course provides insight into some basic concepts and techniques for specification and reasoning for parallel processes, with a focus on close collaborative threads as well as distributed and ...
The course introduces a variety of central algorithms and methods essential for studies of statistical data analysis and machine learning. The course is project-based and through the various projects, ...
The Master's thesis is a research-based academic report based on individual research in the area of music, communication and technology. The topic of the thesis may be chosen by the student in ...
Ethical hacking covers vulnerability and penetration testing, which are essential elements in modern cybersecurity. Ethical hacking consists of testing the security of IT systems by trying to find and ...
Quantum Computing is the intersection of computer science, mathematics, and quantum physics which utilizes the phenomena of quantum mechanics to perform computations that classical computers cannot ...
Nanoscience is referred to as a research area devoted to studies of various phenomena in small-size devices. It is a cross-disciplinary field including physics, chemistry, and to some extent biology.